Ernest E. Moore, M.D.
Denver, Colorado, USA |
Blunt cerebrovascular injuries (BCVIs),
injuries to the extracranial carotid and
vertebral arteries, historically have been
considered rare, yet are recognized as
potentially devastating events. Given the
limited experience with BCVI, even in busy
trauma centers, there is no large body of
literature to guide the treatment of these
injuries. As a result, BCVIs continue to be
challenging in terms of risk assessment,
screening, diagnosis, and treatment.
Regional Anatomy
The left common carotid artery (CCA)
originates from the aortic arch and is
therefore intrathoracic, whereas the right
CCA originates from the innominate artery
and has no intrathoracic portion. The left
and right cervical CCAs divide into the
internal (ICA) and external (ECA) carotid
arteries at the level of the C3-4 disc
space, which corresponds to the superior
border of the thyroid cartilage. The ECA
does not supply circulation directly to the
brain but, in the presence of carotid or
vertebral artery (VA) occlusive disease, the
ECA branches provide significant collateral
blood flow to the intracranial contents. The
ICA begins at the bifurcation of the CCA,
terminates at its intracranial bifurcation
into the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and
middle cerebral artery (MCA), and provides
blood supply to the cerebral hemispheres.
The ICA can be separated into four segments:
cervical, petrous, cavernous, and cerebral (supraclinoid).
The cervical portion of the ICA has no named
branches. The petrous segment of the ICA
traverses the carotid canal in the petrous
portion of the temporal bone. The cavernous
portion of the ICA is the first part of the
course of the ICA within the cranial vault.
It is suspended between the layers of the
dura mater that form the cavernous sinus.
The supraclinoid, or cerebral, segment is
the fourth portion of the ICA and begins
where the artery passes through the dura.
The left and right VA arise from the upper
and posterior portion of the first segment
of their respective subclavian arteries. The
VA, like the ICA, is composed of four
segments. The first segment begins at its
subclavian origin and courses superiorly and
posteriorly to the point where it enters the
transverse foramen of C6. The second segment
ascends through the transverse foramina of
the upper 6 cervical vertebrae. The third
portion of the VA curves posteriorly behind
the lateral mass of the atlas, and the
fourth segment pierces the dura. There is
considerable asymmetry in the vertebral
system, to the point of unilateral VA
The circle of Willis is a vascular ring that
effectively forms an arterial manifold
balancing anterior (ICA) and posterior (VA)
inflow with the outflow to the ACA, MCA, and
posterior cerebral artery. A symmetric
circle of Willis is present as described in
only 20% of individuals. The frequency of
variations in the collateral circulatory
routes can help explain unusual clinical
presentations of arterial injuries. In
addition, it underscores the need to image
the intracranial circulation in cases of
cervical vessel injury.
Injury Mechanism
There appear to be four fundamental
mechanisms of blunt carotid arterial injury.
The most common type results from
hyperextension and contralateral rotation of
the head and neck. This may be explained by
anatomic relationships unique to the upper
cervical region. The lateral articular
processes and pedicles of the upper 3
cervical vertebrae project more anteriorly
than do those of the lower 4 cervical
vertebrae. As a result, the overlying distal
cervical ICA is prone to stretch injury
during cervical hyperextension. A direct
blow to the neck may crush the artery or it
may be compressed between the mandible and
vertebral prominence in acute cervical
hyperflexion injuries. Intraoral trauma may
injure the ICA, most typically in children
who have fallen with a hard object (eg,
pencil) in their mouth. Finally, basilar
skull fractures that involve the sphenoid or
petrous bones may result in laceration of
the artery.
The third segment of the VA, which extends
from the level C2 to the dura, is most
commonly injured by blunt trauma because of
the increased degree of stretching and
compression that occurs at the atlantoaxial
and atlanto-occipital joints during head
rotation. In addition, the relationship
between the VA and the cervical vertebral
bodies puts the VA at risk when the
vertebral body, particularly the foramen
transversarium, is fractured. Although
high-speed motor vehicle crashes and falls
account for most ICA and VA injuries,
virtually any mechanism involving acute
hyperextension, flexion, or rotation of the
neck (even after “trivial trauma”) may
result in BCVI.
Tearing of the intima exposes the
thrombogenic subendothelial collagen
surface, which promotes platelet aggregation
and the potential for embolization, partial
thrombosis with low flow, or complete
thrombosis. In addition, the intimal tear
offers a portal of egress for a dissecting
column of blood that may narrow the lumen
with subsequent partial or complete vessel
occlusion. The end result is cerebral
ischemia. Less commonly, partial or complete
transection of the artery occurs, resulting
in pseudoaneurysm formation or free rupture.
Signs and symptoms
There are several premonitory signs and
symptoms that are associated with the vessel
injury itself, which may suggest the
presence of BCVI before the onset of
cerebral ischemia. These include neck, ear,
face, periorbital, posterior neck, and
occipital pain and Horner’s syndrome.
Cerebral ischemic neurologic events may be
classified as transient ischemic attack
(lasting less than 24 hours), reversible
ischemic neurologic deficit (lasting less
than 1 week), or ischemic infarction (signs
and symptoms do not clear completely). A
decrease in the patient’s level of
consciousness, although a common finding in
traumatic brain injury, is decidedly unusual
in acute stroke.
A systematic neurologic examination will
help to localize the distribution of
cerebral ischemia. Occlusion of the ICA
generally results in contralateral
sensorimotor deficits in the arm, face, and
leg (in decreasing order of severity).
Global aphasia indicates involvement of the
dominant hemisphere, and contralateral
neglect is typical of nondominant hemisphere
involvement. Carotid-cavernous sinus
fistulae usually occur in the cavernous or
cerebral segments of the ICA, typically the
result of a basilar skull fracture that
lacerates the artery. Common features
include conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis,
exophthalmos, ophthalmoplegia, and orbital
pain. There is often a cephalic bruit and a
palpable thrill over the orbit.
The MCA is the larger of the 2 terminal
branches of the ICA and is the most common
site of embolization. Infarction in the MCA
distribution results in contralateral
hemiparesis and hemisensory loss and
ipsilateral deviation of the eyes and head.
Broca’s (expressive) aphasia may be present
if the dominant hemisphere is involved,
whereas involvement of Wernicke’s speech
area results in receptive aphasia.
Hemineglect is encountered with nondominant
hemisphere lesion. The MCA distribution is
large, and infarctions of the entire
distribution can lead to significant
swelling and increased intracranial
pressure. The ACA is the smaller of the 2
terminal branches of the ICA. Compared with
MCA infarctions, the smaller territory
creates less of a risk for the development
of late intracranial pressure problems.
Cervical VA occlusions are less likely than
carotid arterial occlusions to result in
neurologic deficits. Vertebrobasilar
ischemia may result in a combination of
contralateral sensorimotor abnormalities and
ipsilateral cranial nerve or cerebellar
abnormalities. Embolic strokes in the
vertebrobasilar distribution often result in
the lateral medullary (Wallenberg’s)
syndrome, which may include ipsilateral
facial analgesia, contralateral body
analgesia. Horner’s syndrome, and ataxia.
Posterior fossa swelling can result in
obstruction of the fourth ventricle and
hydrocephalus or brainstem compression and
herniation. Unilateral occlusion of the
posterior cerebral artery may result in
contralateral homonymous hemianopsia, and
bilateral posterior cerebral artery
infarction leads to cortical blindness
(Anton’s syndrome). In general, brainstem
lesions can be identified best by their
crossed patterns of deficits with cranial
nerve palsies ipsilateral and hemiparesis
contralateral to the infarction.
Rationale for screening
A latent period before the appearance of
clinical manifestations of the injury is
characteristic of BCVI. Presumably, this
reflects the time it takes for platelets to
aggregate at sites of intimal disruption and
to embolize, limit flow, or occlude the
vessel. In large series, 23% to 50% of
patients experience the manifestation of
symptoms more than 24 hours after injury. In
our experience, 42% of patients experienced
the manifestation more than 18 hours after
injury. Moreover, delayed recognition of
BCVI is common because associated head
injuries preclude a meaningful neurologic
examination and other critical associated
injuries demand immediate intervention.
Previous multicenter reviews suggested the
incidence of BCVI to be one per 1000 blunt
trauma admissions. Over the past 2 decades,
however, there has been a steady increase in
the reported numbers of BCVI. We documented
blunt carotid arterial lesions in 3.5% of a
subgroup of patients undergoing thoracic
aortography after blunt trauma. One half of
the blunt carotid arterial lesions were
unsuspected on clinical grounds. This
prompted a more aggressive screening
approach. Patients who sustain blunt trauma
with severe hyperextension or hyperflexion,
strangulation, or direct blow mechanisms and
those patients with cervical vertebral or
basilar skull carotid canal fractures are
screened with cerebral arteriography for
BCVIs. We have identified BCVIs in 27% of
asymptomatic patients selected on the basis
of our screening criteria. The incidence of
BCVI at our center in the past 8 years has
been 1.1% among patients admitted after
blunt trauma.
The gold standard test is cerebral
arteriography. Unfortunately, the
noninvasive alternatives duplex
ultrasonography, transcutaneous Doppler
ultrasonography, computed tomographic
angiography, and magnetic resonance
angiography have yet to be established as
accurate as arteriography although CTA
appears promising. We have developed a
grading scale based on the literature and
our collective experience. Grade I injuries
are defined by the arteriographic appearance
of irregularity of the vessel wall or a
dissection without stenosis of the lumen.
Grade II injuries include dissections or
intramural hematomas with associated luminal
narrowing, or a visible raised intimal flap.
Pseudoaneurysms have been designated grade
III BCVIs; occlusions have been designated
grade IV, and arterial transsections have
been designated grade V.
therapy is appropriate for accessible
lesions. Unfortunately, most injuries are
too distal for operative repair. The current
standard treatment is anticoagulation and
most authorities recommend systemic heparin.
However, there is justification for
evaluation of alternative agents (eg,
antiplatelet agents) in this setting.
Endovascular stenting of the carotid
arteries for atherosclerotic disease has
enjoyed tremendous popularity recently, but
its overall efficacy for BCVI remains to be