Dean R. Hess, PhD, RRT
Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard
Medical School
Director of Respiratory Care,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA USA |
Trauma patients may require mechanical
ventilation secondary to respiratory center
depression or the Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (ARDS). Although usually
administered with an endotracheal tube,
mechanical ventilation can be applied by
face mask in carefully selected patients. It
has become increasingly accepted that
mechanical ventilation, although often
life-saving, can contribute to lung injury.
This has led to implementation of
lung-protective ventilation strategies.
Mechanical ventilation of the trauma patient
can be complicated by chest trauma, burns,
inhalation injury, and head trauma.
In 1994, a consensus definition was
recommended for ARDS: acute onset of
respiratory failure, bilateral infiltrates
on chest radiograph, pulmonary artery wedge
pressure less than or equal to 18 mm Hg, or
the absence of clinical evidence of left
atrial hypertension, PaO2/FIO2
less than or equal to 300 (acute lung
injury) or PaO2/FIO2
less than or equal to 200 (ARDS). The
difference between acute lung injury (ALI)
and ARDS is that ALI includes a milder form
of the same syndrome. A recent epidemiologic
study using these definitions reported an
incidence of about 79 per 100,000 for ALI
and 59 per 100,000 for the acute ARDS. The
clinical disorders commonly associated with
ARDS can be divided into those associated
with direct injury to the lung (pulmonary
ARDS) and those that cause indirect lung
injury in the setting of a systemic process
(extrapulmonary ARDS). Causes of ARDS due to
direct lung injury include pneumonia,
aspiration of gastric contents, pulmonary
contusion, fat emboli, near-drowning,
inhalational injury, and reperfusion
pulmonary edema after lung transplantation
or pulmonary embolectomy. Common causes of
ARDS due to indirect lung injury include
sepsis, severe trauma with shock and
multiple transfusions, cardiopulmonary
bypass, drug overdose, acute pancreatitis,
and transfusions of blood products. Trauma
is a risk factor for ARDS and the mortality
of ARDS associated with severe trauma has
been reported at about 25%.
Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury
It has become increasingly accepted that
mechanical ventilation can contribute to
lung injury. Traditional barotrauma (eg,
pneumothorax) is relatively uncommon, and
the role of oxygen toxicity in humans is
controversial. The modern concept of
ventilator-induced lung injury is described
in the context of alveolar over-distention
(volutrauma), alveolar de-recruitment
(atelectrauma), and biochemical injury and
inflammantion to the lung parenchyma
(biotrauma). Ventilator-induced lung injury
is a subtle injury that can cause ARDS,
progression of existing ARDS, multiple organ
dysfunction syndrome, and death.
Volutrauma is alveolar over-distention due
to an excessive inflation volume. This
results in a biophysical injury in the lungs
causing increased alveolar-capillary
permeability. Alveolar over-distention is
commonly assessed by measurement of the
end-inspiratory plateau pressure (Pplat).
However, it should be appreciated that
alveolar distention is determined by the
transpulmonary pressure, which is determined
by both the pressure inside the alveolus
(Pplat) and pressure outside the alveolus
(pleural pressure). This becomes an
important consideration in patients with a
stiff chest wall (e.g., abdominal
compartment syndrome, chest wall burns).
Ventilator-induced lung injury can also
result from cyclic closing and re-opening of
alveoli (atelectrauma). This injury is
ameliorated by use of positive
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) sufficient to
avoid alveolar de-recruitment. Avoiding high
inspiratory pressures also avoids opening
collapsed alveoli which may prevent
atelectrauma but promote hypoxemia.
Ventilating the lungs in a manner that
promotes alveolar over-distention and
de-recruitment increases inflammation in the
lungs (biotrauma). Inflammatory mediators
(cytokines, chemokines) may translocate into
the pulmonary circulation secondary to
increased alveolar-capillary permeability,
resulting in systemic inflammation. How the
lungs are ventilated may thus play a role in
systemic inflammation. Systemic inflammation
arising from the lungs can lead to multiple
organ dysfunction syndrome.
Selection of Tidal Volume
When traditional tidal volumes of 10 to 15
mL/kg are used in patients with ALI/ARDS
receiving mechanical ventilation, the
resulting alveolar pressures are frequently
elevated, reflecting over-distention
particularly of the less-affected lung
regions. Three small, prospective,
randomized trials of traditional versus
lower tidal volume ventilation in patients
with or at risk for ALI/ARDS did not
demonstrate beneficial effects of a modestly
lower tidal volume. In contrast to these,
Amato et al
randomized patients with ARDS to a low tidal
volume (£6 mL/kg) or a traditional tidal
volume (12 mL/kg). They reported a reduced
mortality with the lower tidal volume,
although mortality in the traditional tidal
volume group was high (71% compared with 38%
in the protective ventilation group). In the
ARDSnet trial, 861 patients were randomized
to receive a relatively low tidal volume of
6 mL/kg predicted body weight (PBW), which
was nearly 5 mL/kg measured weight, versus a
tidal volume of 12 mL/kg PBW. The lower
tidal volume was associated with 31%
mortality, whereas ventilation with the
conventional tidal volume was associated
with 40% mortality. Tidal volume was reduced
further to a minimum of 4 mL/kg PBW if the
Pplat was > 30 cm H2O.
The results of the ARDSnet trial suggest
that for every 12 patients with ALI/ARDS who
are ventilated using this strategy, one life
can be saved. This is very compelling
evidence to adopt this approach to the
ventilation of patients with ALI/ARDS.
Although this study enrolled patients with a
variety of etiologies, 10% of the patients
had ARDS resulting from trauma. Post-hoc
analysis revealed no difference in mortality
for trauma patients for the two tidal
volumes, and the overall mortality in this
group was low (11%). In trauma patients
receiving the lower tidal volume, there was
a higher proportion of patients achieving
unassisted breathing by day 28 (80% vs
70%) and a lower cumulative incidence of
nonpulmonary organ failure with the lower
tidal volume (49% vs 65%).
An area of controversy is whether
pressure-controlled ventilation should be
used as part of a lung protective
ventilation strategy. Theoretically, any
ventilator mode can be used provided that
tidal volume delivery and transpulmonary
pressure are limited. A common reason given
for using pressure control or pressure
support ventilation is to allow the patient
to augment inspiratory flow and tidal
volume. This results in a higher
transpulmonary pressure and tidal volume,
which violates the goal of volume and
pressure limitation. It should be noted that
Pplat is not an accurate reflection of
transpulmonary pressure if the patient is
making active breathing efforts such as with
pressure control or pressure support
ventilation. There is enthusiasm for new
approaches to mechanical ventilation, such
as the use of high frequency ventilation and
airway pressure-release ventilation. The
role, if any, for new ventilator modes in
the management of patients with ALI/ARDS is
unclear. Evidence is lacking for a survival
benefit of new ventilatory modes compared
with the ARDSnet approach.
Selection of Positive End-expiratory
An appropriate level of PEEP is an important
part of a lung protective ventilatory
strategy. Zero end-expiratory pressure is
likely harmful in patients with ALI/ARDS. A
criticism of the original ARDSnet study was
that the level of PEEP was too low.
Advocates of the open-lung approach to
mechanical ventilation argued that a higher
level of PEEP was needed in patients with
ARDS [24]. Pursuant to this, the ARDSnet
conducted a study of higher versus lower
PEEP in patients with ARDS. In this study,
549 patients with ALI/ARDS were randomized
to receive mechanical ventilation with
either lower or higher PEEP levels, set
according to different combinations of PEEP
and FIO2 to
maintain PaO2
at 55 to 80 mmHg or SpO2
at 88% to 95%. FIO2
was lower and PaO2/FIO2
was higher in patients who received the
higher level of PEEP. Lung compliance was
also higher in patients receiving the higher
level of PEEP. However, mortality before
hospital discharge was not significantly
different between the groups (about 25% in
each group). These results suggest that
mechanical ventilation with a tidal volume
of 6 mL/kg PBW and a Pplat less than or
equal to 30 cm H2O,
clinical outcomes were similar whether a
lower or higher PEEP level is used. However,
the study was relatively small, and a modest
benefit (or harm) from higher PEEP may have
gone undetected. A larger multi-center trial
comparing modest versus higher levels of
PEEP is ongoing. It is important to note
that an important impediment to the use of
higher levels of PEEP is the associated
increase in end-inspiratory alveolar
pressure. The setting of PEEP is often a
compromise among the maintenance of alveolar
recruitment, the avoidance of alveolar
over-distention, and hemodynamic compromise.
There has been some enthusiasm for the use
of the pressure-volume (PV) curve to set
PEEP. Traditional critical-care teaching has
been that the lower inflection point
presumably represents the pressure at which
a large number of alveoli are recruited, and
the upper inflection point represents the
pressure at which a large number of alveoli
are overdistended. Thus, it would seem
reasonable to set the PEEP above the lower
inflection point and the Pplat below the
upper inflection point. The use of a super
syringe is the traditional method to measure
the PV curve. Precise volumes of gas are
added to the endotracheal tube and the
pressure at each step change in volume is
measured. The PV curve is then plotted as
volume as a function of pressure. It can
also be measured by setting a slow constant
flow on the ventilator and observing the
ventilator display of the PV curve, but this
measurement includes the effect of airway
resistance. The role of the PV curve to set
the ventilator is presently unclear, and
many limitations to its clinical use exist.
The measurement requires sedation and often
paralysis. It can be difficult to identify
the inflection points, and there can be
considerable inter-observer variability.
Separation of the effect of the chest wall
from the effect of the lungs on the PV curve
requires measurement of esophageal pressure.
The deflation limb may be more useful than
inflation limb, but the inflation limb is
most commonly measured. Lung function is
heterogeneous with ARDS, and the PV curve
treats the lungs as a single compartment. It
is now accepted that recruitment may occur
throughout the entire PV curve, and the
upper inflection point may represent the end
of recruitment rather than the point of
over-distention. Clearly, more evidence is
needed before the PV curve can be
recommended for routine use to set the
Adjuncts to Mechanical Ventilation
In recent years, there has been enthusiasm
for various adjuncts to mechanical
ventilation in patients with ALI/ARDS.
Inhaled nitric oxide results in an increase
in PaO2 in
the many patients with ARDS, but evidence
for a survival benefit is lacking. Likewise,
prone position results in a higher PaO2
in many patients with ARDS; however, a
survival benefit has not been demonstrated.
Recruitment maneuvers have been used in an
attempt to open the collapsed alveoli in
patients with ARDS. A recruitment maneuver
is a sustained increase in airway pressure,
typically performed by increasing the PEEP
setting on the ventilator to 30 to 40 cm H2O
for 30 to 40 s, after which a sufficient
amount of PEEP is applied to keep the lungs
open. Recruitment maneuvers increase the PaO2
in some, but not all, patients with ARDS.
Even in patients who respond to a
recruitment maneuver with an increase in PaO2,
the effect is short-lived. In a randomized,
controlled trial conducted by the ARDSnet,
improvements in arterial oxygenation for
patients receiving a recruitment maneuver
and a sham maneuver were similar. Despite
the initial enthusiasm for lung recruitment
maneuvers in patients with ARDS, it remains
unknown whether they are safe and if they
affect survival.
Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
Readiness for a trial of spontaneous
breathing can usually be assessed from a
commonsense screen for resolution of the
cause of respiratory failure, gas exchange,
ability to initiate an inspiratory effort
(e.g., sedation), and hemodynamic stability.
Weaning parameters are of limited
usefulness. The available evidence supports
that a trial of spontaneous breathing is the
best means of determining when a patient is
able to sustain spontaneous breathing.
Weaning success is lower with SIMV mode than
trials of spontaneous breathing or pressure
support ventilation. Protocol approaches to
weaning improve patient outcomes. Finally,
the need for a ventilator should be
separated from the need for an airway; some
patients need an artificial airway but do
not require ventilatory assistance.
Trauma-Specific Considerations
Chest trauma
Patients with blunt or penetrating chest
trauma may require mechanical ventilation.
In patients with lung contusion, lung
protective ventilation strategies similar to
those used with other forms of ARDS should
be employed. Mechanical ventilation in the
patient with lung contusion can be
problematic if it is unilateral, resulting
in differing lung mechanics. The presence of
air leak can also complicate mechanical
ventilation – particularly with a large
airway tear. If the patient has cardiac
contusion, this may complicate mechanical
ventilation strategies. Rib fractures,
particularly flail chest, can be the source
of considerable pain and are often
associated with other injuries such as
pneumothorax, hemothorax, and pulmonary
Inhalation injury
A number of issues should be considered
related to mechanical ventilation of the
patient with inhalation injury. Carbon
monoxide poisoning should be suspected and,
if present, 100% oxygen should be
administered and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
should be considered if available. Thermal
and chemical injury to the upper airway can
result in life-threatening upper airway
obstruction necessitating endotracheal
intubation. Inhalation injury ARDS is
managed using lung protective ventilation
strategies (i.e., avoid over-distention and
provide adequate PEEP). Chemical injury to
the airway can trigger bronchospasm, which
is usually treated with inhaled
bronchodilators. Airway plugging
necessitates aggressive bronchial hygiene
and bronchoscopy. These patients are also at
increased risk for ventilator-associated
Burn injury
Burn injury can be associated with
cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary
edema, both of which can present challenges
during mechanical ventilation. As in
patients with other traumatic injuries, lung
protective ventilation strategies should be
used. Another challenge during mechanical
ventilation is a decreased chest wall
compliance, which requires escharotomy in
severe cases. These patients are at
increased risk for ventilator-associated
Head injury
Ventilator setting in these patients should
be selected with consideration of the
potential effects on cerebral perfusion
pressure. Mechanical ventilation of these
patients can be complicated by neurogenic
pulmonary edema, which may result in both
cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonary
edema. A concern in this patient population
is the effect of PEEP on cerebral perfusion
pressure. The available evidence suggests
that modest levels of PEEP (£10 cm H2O),
if indicated, has minimal detrimental
effects on intracranial pressure and
cerebral perfusion pressure. In these
patients, hypercapnia, hypocapnia, and
hypoxemia are avoided. Generally, iatrogenic
hyperventilation is discouraged.
Mechanical ventilation, a life support
technique, is associated with attributable
mortality if it is set incorrectly. For
patients with ALI/ARDS, the available
evidence supports the use of a lower tidal
volume and two large trials have reported
unprecedented low mortalities with a
strategy that targets a tidal volume of 6
mL/kg PBW with further reduction for Pplat >
30 cm H2O.
Zero end-expiratory pressure is likely
harmful during mechanical ventilation of
patients with ALI/ARDS. However, evidence is
lacking for a survival benefit if a high
PEEP level is set compared to a modest level
of PEEP. Although adjunctive measures such
as recruitment maneuvers, prone position,
and inhaled nitric oxide may improve
oxygenation, evidence is lacking that these
measures improve survival. Ventilator
weaning should focus on use of spontaneous
breathing trials. Specific considerations
are necessary for mechanical ventilation of
patients with chest trauma, inhalation
injury, burns, and acute head injury.
Evidence-based management of acute lung
injury and acute respiratory distress
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